- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Working Hands
Submitted by: Shashi Kantji
Welvel chua financial consultant is a renowned integrated and affordable health care insurance service provider in Singapore. There are plenty of health plans; you have to choose those plans which are most suitable. Our financial consultant identifies the exact customer requirement. Then we offer a most suitable and beneficial plan. If we talk about group health insurance , it can easily taken by groups in professional organization. Employer can take such policies for their employees. Such group insurance can offered by companies /employer or large sale entity. In this insurance premium cost or an individual basic is not individually risk based.
If you are running an income generated business with no employees then you are self employed then you need self employed health insurance. As life is uncertain and we can only protect our life also it is not in our hands. Incidents/accidents never knock you. What about your family how can they survive after your death? So you must have the plan for your future. In self employment business the risk is very high. As all the responsibilities are on a single person. If this person is only one earning person in the family. His non earning family may include his Wifi, children and parents. You can reduce the risk by taking this self employed health insurance.
Global health insurance:-
Policy has the terms that frame the global health response. Global agenda achieve several goals like global security, economic development, global health and social justice. Government of multinations works seriously on this health program to serve the quality health insurance program also the publically funded health care is free. Critical illness insurance includes some major illness by which may cause sudden death, these are heart attack, cancer, critical or by ass surgery and kidney failure. The most important thing in this critical illness policy , the benefits are paid to those policy holders whose disease or surgery matches to the stated policy. During waiting period, no benefits will be paid to the policy holders. On maturity you will get lump sum payments. Welvel chua financial services serving the employee benefits through employee health insurance.
Income insurance suitable plans will be liable to those persons who want to. Percentage benefits will be given to the policy holder. Deferred benefits also given. Income protection is necessary to these families who are totally dependent on such income like formers, small scale business and some traditional business. If only one person is getting income from that traditional business. If any uncertain things like natures disaster happens with such person then his income becomes nil. Then what should he do. Thats why income insurance necessary. One thing always comes in mind that why insurance necessary. Is it really necessary. It comes only if risk comes and the person gets reduce his risk. Thats why insurance is necessary, it means you are transferring the risk to the insurance company.
Travel insurance is necessary if you are planning to travel overseas or by air, where risk arise. It will give you tension free journey and family safety. As any accident or emergency may comes in such care travel insurance is necessary.
About the Author: : We understand the importance of early planning for asset accumulation. Plan your group health insurance self employed health insurance global health insurance critical illness insurance employee health insurance income insurance travel insurance to make your life easier and enjoyable. Feel free to contact on + 65 92788266, Web:
, Email: admin@welvelchua.comAddress: 200 Changi Road, Great Eastern@ Changi, #05-01, Singapore (419734)
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