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Permeable Concrete Pavers – Smart Solution For Temporary Parking Lots
Melville Jackson
Temporary parking lots have become popular in recent times mostly due to the space constraint that we are faced with. Moreover there is much less free time in hand to search for a favorable location and go in for a step by step parking lot construction. Today, with soaring demands for overnight setups, for example in case of big events, temporary parking lots are finding more audience than ever before. But along with construction there comes the question of maintaining the place and keeping it clean. Recently a Sydney based company has come up with a new concrete cleaning technology which they call “high pressure cleaning”. It essentially consists of shooting water out of a hose at a high force of 1000-3000 psi (Ibs/sq inch). This high pressure enables pressure-cleaning of tough grease-stained surface like parking lots. Using pressure cleaning technology may prove effective for temporary parking lots as well which are made up of permeable concrete pavers. This will certainly reduce the time spent in cleaning the parking spaces as well.
If you are wondering why permeable concrete pavers are increasingly being used in temporary parking lots, it’s nothing to be surprised at all. For almost every social event there is need for adequate space to park a lot of cars temporarily. In such situations, short term parking lots covered with permeable concrete pavers come across as a cost-effective and convenient solution. Take a look at the various advantages of using permeable concrete pavers over common asphalt paving.An Innovative Time Saving Concept: The need for a temporary parking space that’s dry, safe, clean, and secure all at the same time helped to popularize permeable concrete pavers to a large extent. To top it, this innovative technology saves time and is environment-friendly.Easy On the Pocket: Traditional asphalt is more expensive than permeable concrete pavers. Besides it’s not an easy task to remove asphalt cover from surfaces, whereas permeable pavers made of concrete can be easily removed as well as easily reinstalled. This further helps the customer in recovering about half of the initial installation cost. Eco-Friendly Alternative: From an environmental point of view, permeable concrete pavers are favorable over asphalts and other impervious materials. Due to its permeability, these special types of concrete paving allow water to percolate through the surface into the sub-soil. Hence it resists soil erosion as well as helps to restore the ground water level. Researchers have confirmed that permeable concrete pavers are especially effective in places previously affected with soil and water pollution.
Tempark offers an all-round solution for
temporary parking lots
. Hence, when it comes to installing permeable concrete pavers you shouldn’t look for any other!
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