- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Certified Medical Assistant Van Nuys Ca
By Max Hill
Dr Christopher popularized his famous herbal ‘Lower Bowel Tonic’, also called ‘cascara compound’ capsules, during the 60’s and 70’s. The great value of this formula was that it quite easily produced 2-3 bowel movements a day for most of its regular users, many of whom had not experienced this for many years.
The logic of having 2-3 bowel movements daily is that if you eat 3 times a day, you should pass out waste 3 times a day too. This is a healthy bowel regularity. If a person doesn’t do this, it indicates that their bowel has become used to ‘hanging on’ to the food waste in a reservoir somewhere.
The Unhealthy ‘Reservoir’
This ‘reservoir somewhere’ is the Caecum, located just before the rectum at the very end of the colon’s journey out of the body. Anatomically, the Caecum is at the front, lower left of the abdomen. And, surely, many people feel gurgling or discomfort in this area from time to time. Here, food waste can putrefy – because it will do this, when it is being ‘stored’ for up to 24 hours, or even longer, at body temperature. Yuk!
The confirmation of this ‘reservoir’ theory – if it were needed – is that many x-rays of the bowel show the Caecum to be ‘ballooned’ in a way which, it is clear even to the amateur, cannot be healthy. The Caecum is turned into a reservoir for food waste by losing its muscle function – its natural ‘peristaltic’ action. This action should move food waste right along and out of the body.
Get Rid Of That Reservoir
The solution to this situation is to RESTORE MUSCLE FUNCTION (peristalsis) to the Caecum, so that it can work as nature intended, and move food waste straight through to the rectum. You will then get the natural urge to evacuate, and this urge should be followed if it is at all convenient. This will happen about 3 times a day.
If you are on a bus and you get ‘the urge’ then, of course, you’ll just have to wait! And this is fine if it happens only occasionally. But the more often you can follow your natural urges in this respect, the less you will be holding on to old food waste, allowing it to putrefy in the body, and pour toxins into your blood stream.
Restore Peristalsis
Restoring the lost peristalsis to the whole bowel is what Dr Christopher created his wonderful Lower Bowel Tonic or herbal ‘cascara compound’ capsules, to do. After 6-9 months’ use for the average person, this herbal formula will restore the regularity of the colon – and even of the Caecum.
Over the years, many of my own patients have sworn by Dr Christopher’s formula. After using it for sufficient time, it is needed no longer; it ‘retrains’ the bowel muscle. Many of my patients have thought it was magic! But really, it’s action is based on common sense.
About the Author: Max Hill, practitioner for 20 years, has written about
colon cleansing
, (get 6 free health reports here) & helped develop quality herbal
colon cleansing
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